John Nash, Chat GPT, Hallucinations, Technological Progress, and Human Nature
John Nash, a famous American mathematician, is known for the Nash Equilibrium, a fundamental concept in game theory. He contributed to many theories and works in mathematics and was awarded the Nobel Prize for his efforts.Those who have seen the movie “A Beautiful Mind,” in which Russell Crowe portrayed John…
Read More »How is OpenAI changing the global map of the tech industry?
A Necessary Introduction One of the greatest concepts being applied in computer science is the concept of abstraction. Initially, computers were programmed in binary language, dealing directly with 0s and 1s. Then came assembly language, translating programming instructions written in letters and numbers into machine language. Following this were high-level…
Read More »Will artificial intelligence cause the end of humanity?
The idea of the AI Apocalypse, similar to what is portrayed in films like Terminator, Skynet, Eagle Eye, I, Robot, and others that depict artificial intelligence acting autonomously and attempting to enslave or annihilate humans, raises the question: is such a scenario possible given the current way artificial intelligence operates?In…
Read More »The annual Manchester Prize, one million dollars for artificial intelligence research
The topic is not just about the prize.. The British Treasury Secretary announced a few things as part of a strategic plan for artificial intelligence.. and this prize is a small part of it.This strategy includes investments worth 900 million pounds sterling (which is more than one billion dollars) to…
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